The Game
Dungeon's Calling
The Game is based around an Overworld, split into 9 Regions and the Dungeon, which is filled with dangerous creatures who belong to the regions. Enter the dungeon and encounter one of 63 unique boss enemies. If you’re strong (and lucky) enough to defeat the boss you’ve been facing, you will be rewarded with precious, mysterious loot and the boss will go back to the region it came from. But be careful, each boss comes with its strength and weaknesses which will influence the outcome of your fight, depending on the adventurer you chose at the beginning of the game.
To win the game you have to complete your individual game quest – one of 18 mighty missions – which you’ve been assigned at the beginning of the game. It will lead you to victory upon completion.
Take your quest, enter the dungeon, earn epic loot, thwart the plans of your fellow players at all costs and slay yourself to victory in this brand-new, epic card game.

Adventurer Cards
Adventurer cards embody the playable characters of the game. They have an attack value, an attack type (melee, ranged, magic), and 3 abilities. Before the game starts, each player chooses an adventurer with whom they will play the rest of the game. Each adventurer brings its own advantages and disadvantages, which is why the choice of the adventurer has a big influence on the player’s course of the game.
Attack type:
Each adventurer has one of 3 attack types (melee, ranged, magic), which plays a role in many various situations. It determines what weapons the adventurer can equip and what type of armor is effective in combat against boss opponents. Besides, there are many loot cards that relate to certain attack types and will prove useful or useless accordingly.
Origin and treasure chests:
Each adventurer has a region of origin not listed on the card. If the treasure chest of a region is found, it always contains an additional buff for the adventurer who comes from that region.
On the Lore page, you can learn more about the different adventurers and their regions of origin.
Boss Cards
Boss cards are the enemies in battles. They have health and armor value, an armor type (melee, ranged, or magic), a region of origin, and passive abilities. Upon successfully defeating a boss card, a player receives the rewards listed on the boss card. Defeated bosses also leave the dungeon and return to their region of origin.
The combat phase:
At the end of his turn, a player enters the dungeon to fight one of 63 bosses. This is done by drawing the top (face down) card of the dungeon pile and placing it face up in front of the turn player. To defeat the boss, the player must have enough attack power to bring the boss’ health to 0. The basic damage consists of the attack strength of the own adventurer and the equipped weapon (if available). If the armor type of the boss matches the attack type of the adventurer, the armor activates and the value is added to the health. If the player fails to defeat the boss, he will not receive any rewards and the boss will return to the dungeon.
During the combat phase, both the turn player and his teammates can use their hand cards to influence the ongoing battle. Combat thus becomes a heated battle, the outcome of which can change surprisingly several times during the phase.
Region Cards
Region cards reflect the regions of Dungeon’s Calling and greatly influence the course of the game. There are 9 region cards, each with 8 milestones (1-7 & S). Each boss card originates from a region and each region card functions as a sort of gathering place for defeated bosses.
When a boss is defeated in combat, it returns to its region of origin and is placed with the corresponding region card. Each region contains 7 bosses, and for each boss placed by the region card, a milestone listed on the region card is activated. Milestones are passive effects that affect the entire game and therefore all players. However, they are not final, which means that the active effects can change if the number of face-up boss cards changes.
The S Milestone (S) is the 8th milestone of a region card. It activates once the treasure chest associated with the region is found. S-milestones are powerful effects and can make fighting bosses from the corresponding region much more difficult if a treasure chest is found early.
Loot Cards
Loot cards are the main rewards of the game. They have a rarity value, which is divided into 4 rarity levels (Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical). Loot cards have various uses and can prove useful or even necessary in many situations. They can be traded and exchanged by the players among themselves and publicly in the market.
Obtaining Loot Cards:
At the beginning of the game, each player draws 5 Loot cards into their hand. In addition, each player always draws a card from the Loot pile at the beginning of their turn. Loot cards are drawn face down and go into the treasury face up after they are used. There they remain locked from the rest of the game’s actions, but some cards can grant a player access to the Treasury.
Loot cards are especially relevant in the combat phase to influence the outcome of a fight. Through their different effects and uses, they can decide one’s own battles and thwart those of the other players. Some Loot Cards can also be used outside of the combat phase and can prevent the completion of a quest in tricky situations or lead you to victory in the game.
Weapon Cards
Weapon cards are loot cards of special rarity. In addition to their effects, they have an attack value as well as an equipment type and are the only cards of mythic rarity. Weapon cards can be equipped by a player and provide a permanent buff to the adventurer.
Equip and Disarm:
During the tavern phase, weapon cards may be equipped and disarmed at will, as long as the weapon’s equipment type matches your adventurer’s attack type. When a weapon is equipped, it increases an adventurer’s base damage by the attack value listed on the card. In addition, an adventurer gains the 1st effect of a weapon card as a permanent effect as long as the weapon is equipped. An adventurer can only be equipped with one weapon.
Adventurer-specific effects:
Each weapon card has a 2nd (adventurer-specific) effect in addition to its 1st (general) effect. This effect is only active if the weapon equips the adventurer listed on the card. Adventurer-specific effects are extremely powerful and always affect the adventurer who originally owns the weapon. It is therefore of great value to get your hands on the right weapon for the right adventurer.
Treasure Chests
Treasure chests are extra rare loot cards without a rarity level. They differ from other loot and, like boss cards, have a region of origin. Each region houses a treasure chest, so there is a total of 9 treasure chests in the game.
When a player draws a Treasure Chest from the Loot Pile, it is immediately revealed and activated. Each Treasure Chest lets the player draw 2 more Loot cards and, after being used, is not placed in the Treasury, but instead is placed with its region of origin like a Boss card. After the treasure chest of a region is found, the additional ‘treasure chest effect’ (S-Milestone) of that region activates. Treasure chests can also never be placed in the market and can therefore only be drawn directly from the loot pile.
Treasure chests play an enormously important role in the course of a round, as they can influence the entire course of the game through the region effect when they are activated. In addition, many quest cards require the presence of a certain treasure chest for their completion, which is why drawing such a card can be game-changing.
Quest Cards
Quest cards are the only way to victory in Dungeon’s Calling. Before the game starts, each player is assigned one of 18 different quests. After completing a quest, a player wins the game at the end of his turn.
Tasks and completion requirement:
Each quest has 5 tasks as well as a completion requirement. Each task must be completed by the quest owner and, once completed, is marked as “completed” on a sheet for the rest of the game. However, once all the tasks of a quest are completed, the game is not yet won. A quest can only be turned in by the turn player if the completion requirement is met. If a player ends his turn with all tasks fulfilled and a given completion requirement, he wins the game.
Market Card
The market card is a permanent element of the game board. At the start of the second round, it is assigned to the first player (this is rolled), and the top 3 cards of the loot pile are placed face-up in the market.
Turn players may exchange 2 Loot cards of the same rarity (2:1) or 1 Loot card of a higher rarity (1:1) for a card from the market. Exchanged cards go into the market.
Once each player has had a turn and the current holder of the market card takes his turn again, the market is emptied before the start of his turn, and the market card is passed to the next player. At the start of the next player’s turn (the current holder), the empty market is filled again with 3 new Loot cards.
The Playing Field
This is how the cards are placed on the table from the first player's point of view.